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Hardware Labs Nemesis 360 Gts High Performance Combo Review

This first tabular array shows the Nemesis 360GTS' Watts/x Delta Temp numbers in a quick glance nautical chart format.

Nemesis 360GTS - TT W-10DT

Using the data compiled from the Nemesis GTS thermal testing I have compiled the following tables in an endeavor to show another way how the GTS performance varies against itself at the flow rates and fan speeds tested. Effectively these evidence percentage gains relative to a reference point. It's an interesting mode to bear witness gains/losses while changing a variable.

First let's focus on 1300 RPM as our reference and see how much gain or loss in performance nosotros get by irresolute fan speed.

Nemesis 360GTS - TT 1300

Neutral tones hither betoken the 360GTS is tuned for best operation somewhere around this 1300rpm fan speed range. In the adjacent plot we focus on changing the period rate with 1.0 GPM as the base line.

Nemesis 360GTS - TT 1.0In this we run across like percentile gains and losses so we conclude that the 360GTS is very well tuned to exist able to perform well at all flow rates.

Lastly, we change the reference and cull our middle 1300 RPM and 1.0 GPM equally our reference point to show both furnishings concurrently:

Nemesis 360GTS - TT 1.0 1300

So from the data above we can get a very adept idea of how the Nemesis GTS radiator performs relative to itself. But there is a big selection of 360mm radiator models to cull from, released from numerous manufacturers. Then, we need to outset comparing performance between them.

Push Only Information vs Competition

Let's focus on the Push Just results for at present and come up back to the Push/Pull data after. While for Push/Pull we tested three flow rates, the Button Just testing was conducted only at 1GPM in gild to save time.  For a comparison vs thicker radiators make sure to check out the 2015 Rad Round Up which compares 27+ radiators including the SE.

Let's start with 750 RPM and see how it compares to the competition:

At 750RPM the GTS functioning is excellent, have a articulate performance advantage over the residuum.

How does the GTS360 perform with 1300 rpm fans.

At 1300 RPM information technology however has a articulate advantage over the residue of the field.

And at 1850 RPM…

At 1850RPM the still has great performance for a slim rad, but nosotros see the very high FPI Koolance rad outperforming everything else.

So the 360GTS was a fantastic performer in Push button Just. The fan speeds made piffling difference to its comparisons against the competition and merely the beast force nature of the Koolance design saw the GTS taking a clean sweep. We would look the same comparison trends to continue in Push/Pull.

Let's observe out how it fared…..

Push/Pull Data vs. Competition

Let'southward now look at the Push/Pull results and see how the 360GTS compares. For Push/Pull we have averaged the results from the 3 flow rates at which we tested.

At 750RPM the 360GTS continues to dominate the centre pack, which all have very similar results.

At 1300 RPM Push/Pull.

Things practice change hither with the Koolance taking over the lead and has a 5% reward over the 360GTS.

1850 RPM and again the 360GTS takes second place, merely holding off the rads behind it, while falling a fleck further backside the winner with a x% gap between the two.

Let's too combine the Push Simply and Button/Pull results at the 1.0 GPM menstruation charge per unit into 1 plot for each fan speed tested. These plots prove just how well the all-time slim radiators performed confronting the contest, while clearly showing the SE's lack of performance.

Once more the 750 rpm first:

N 360GTS - Slims PC 6.4 - P&PP 1.0 750What an amazing performance with the 360GTS taking 1st and 2nd place. Think about that for a second, the 360GTS' Push Only results beat all other Push button/Pull results – that is near unbelievable, but that is exactly how the results ended upwards.

1300 RPM Combined

N 360GTS - Slims PC 6.4 - P&PP 1.0 1300and the 1850 RPM Combined

N 360GTS - Slims PC 6.4 - P&PP 1.0 1850The 360GTS' performance is still excellent at 1850 RPM, but we tin see the Koolance is dominating the field.

From all of these results we created a "Performance Factor" ranking system. The radiator with the best cooling ability (W/10ΔT) at each gpm/rpm combo was awarded a score of 100, and each other radiators W/10ΔT result was scored equally percent of the top performer:

This manner of looking at the comparison takes away whatever advantages that a radiator may have at higher or lower fan speeds and looks at an overall boilerplate. While this appears fair it does tend to favor those radiators that are all-rounders and those radiators which do very well at high RPM. Near users should be more focused on their specific use case. Check in the Round Up for performance comparisons at every gpm/rpm philharmonic for even more details and cross comparison results.

Here is the 360GTS' Push/Pull percentage scores at each data point that thermal tests were conducted at and additionally the i.0 gpm Push Simply percentages relative to the winner at each fan speed.

Looking at the results this manner nosotros can see how the 360GTS dominated the depression fan speed / depression force per unit area tests with 5 out of 6 1st places in the Push button Just and low fan speed Push/Pull results.

Then we started averaging the percentage scores at each flow charge per unit giving us the Averaged Operation Factors of each radiator.

Firstly – the Button Only APF:

The 360GTS Push Simply results were outstanding and was a clear winner !!

Now the Push/Pull APF:

The Push/Pull APF win was taken by tyhe Koolance and it'southward very loftier FPI core structure. The 360GTS places a very respectable second place with a clear performance border over those behind it.

Finally we created the Principal Performance Factor which is calculated from the averaged results of all the thermal tests, Button and Push/Pull at all flow rates and all fan speeds.

N 360GTS - Slims PC 6.4 - APF AllWith its excellent results in all the thermal examination the 360GTS is a clear winner in the Primary Performance Factor and takes the best overall rad of the 360mm slim rads in the test group.

Adjacent upwards – Summary!
